Our Team

Meet our team of professionals dedicated to service you and your family

Jamie Worley

Jamie Worley


Jamie’s father, James, founded American Family Estate Preservation, Inc. more than 30 years ago. Now Jamie oversees his own franchise in the Northwest U.S., covering Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and northern California. He specializes in Trust creation, estate planning education, business contingency plans, and partnerships with other professionals and companies.

Ken Shonk

Ken Shonk

Legacy Builder

Ken is one of our Legacy Builders, who specializes in business contingency plans. Ken is proficient in estate planning education and assisting both small and large business owners on partnerships that work and contingency plans that preserve the mission, vision, and values of your company.

Missy Thies

Missy Thies

Legacy Builder - Guarding Specialist

Missy is one of our Legacy Builders, who specializes in estate planning education as it pertains, especially, to Special Needs Persons, the guardianship of minors, and those individuals concerned about Medicaid’s involvement with their estate once they’ve passed away. Missy is someone who personally experienced the benefits of AFEPI-NW’s estate planning and found it so helpful that she decided to work for us!

Josh Hawkes

Josh Hawkes

Legacy Builder

Josh is one of our Legacy Builders who is equipped to provide estate planning education to individuals, families, and business owners alike. Currently, also a real estate agent, Josh brings a unique perspective to the estate planning field.